Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's been a year...

Time for an update. This year has passed by so fast and yet it took so long to come to an end. The economic crisis sure had its fun toying with my emotions and resulting in the Very Dark Eyebags that now have their own zip code and HKID!

So how have things progressed? Sometimes I think it's mainly been going downhill (and those thoughts mostly plague me during late nights in the office when the rest of the world is asleep and I'm still jamming away trying to insert charts that I'm not sure are really readable, next to 5 other similar tiny charts in font size 5 on a crowded word page!)... but most would say I've had an excellent year, so shut up and stop complaining

Anyway, when I wasn't inundated with work, I spent quite a bit of time exploring the various little outlying islands (right smack during the H1N1 frenzy!). I like the smaller islands like Cheng Chau and Peng Chau. I don't like having to take a boat there because I am chronically seasick, but I do like the lazy hazy feel of the islands. Rather like a backwater Penang.

And despite a bustling chaotic CBD being just a half hour ferry ride away, islands like Peng Chau seem oblivious
More photos to come.. I'm just too sleepy to finish this up properly now

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Where Eastern Winds Meet Western Winds

When winter comes and the smell of frosty cold freshness is in the air, it's hard to remember you're in Asia.

Asia to me is humidity, 30 degrees, and air conditioning. Everywhere. Even within the confines of elevators, although my mum is now convinced they are shutting down that luxury in elevators as cost cutting measures grow rampant throughout the world.

Anyway, this is no deep and insightful post on life in Hong Kong. I just wanted to pen down how nice a day it is, when it's cold outside (well, not that cold.. it's about 16 degrees) and I'm sitting on my bed with the curtains flung open to let in every possible bit of golden sunshine. I've got a warm laptop on my lap (which will do as a nice warm lap cat or dog replacement) and banana loaf from the bakery down stairs. I'm swaddled up in any number of throw rugs and quilts and listening to the quite hum of traffic as cars trundle up and down from mid-levels to the peak and back.

This is the simple life in Hong Kong and I love it!