Saturday, August 19, 2006

Oh, the ringing in my ears

I woke up today at 9pm, thinking what a beautiful day it is.

Then I sat up and a striking pain shot straight to my head. Uh-uh, forget the sunny skies outside. Right under my duvet is where I want to be.

Little girls in Hong Kong learn to club at a very early stage. Given the variety of things one can do with alcohol in Lan Kwai Fong itself, partying till dawn is a way of life here that you easily pick up. Clubs are choked full with girls in strange colour schemes and outfits one would rather die than wear in the streets of KL. Guys are always on hand to buy you drinks. I can go out with 500 dollars and come home with 500 dollars. One guy was pestering me to buy him a drink last night, but when we reached the bar - he came to his senses and decided he didn't want to be a girl. I got a free drink instead.

It's probably very easy to get drunk that way. But dancing it all out helps, and before long I'm completely sober again and wondering who my next drink is coming from.

Once in awhile you sit back and take in the scene, and wonder what made human evolution evolve such that a night of fun is defined as stuffing as many people as possible into a dark, smoky room where they're only happy if they're intoxicated or bobbing from side to side in a dance form that closely resembles epilepsy.

This dim sum girl is waiting for the music to die down, before the world becomes bright again.


Greenlamb said...

Ask charmie about her night out in double O :P Haha I was... erm... surprised :P

dulcinea said...

oooh.. Double O? haha..
I'm gonna be back in Singapore around the 7th of Sept... start planning the boozing trips, Baa!

Greenlamb said...

O_O Me not booze-maniac :P
BTW Sher and Charm didn't know you had this blog :P so you may wanna spam it to them :)

dulcinea said...

Abit late now that I'm almost done with Hong Kong.. hehe

Anonymous said...

omigoodness! imagine my surprise! defamatory statements about me!! here!! BY BAA!!! ;p